Your Free Gift Is On The Way To Your Email Inbox! Join Marisa Peer for her brand new FREE Online Masterclass:

"Live The Life You Have Always Wanted By Rewiring Your Mind"

  • Discover how to locate and overcome any blocks you have to health, wealth, love and happiness...
  • Learn how to form new positive life transforming beliefs
  • Become one amongst the world’s successful and fulfilled people
The Times
Marie Claire
Mens Fitness
The Sun
The Guardian

What You’ll Learn On This FREE Mind Training Masterclass!

World renowned Therapist Marisa Peer shares some of her most powerful, cutting edge techniques from her award winning Rapid Transformational Therapy in today’s free Mind Training Masterclass.

Marisa will explain 6 “Rules of the Mind” and share real examples of how you can rewire your mind for phenomenal success :

  • Rule 1 - What Is Expected Is Realized (The subtle ways you are sabotaging yourself…)
  • Rule 2 - Your Imagination Is More Powerful Than Logic (You can use this to be more confident and successful …)
  • Rule 3 - In A Battle Between Emotion And Logic, Emotion Will Always Win (Use this to overcome any fears for good …)
  • Rule 4 - Your Mind Forms a Blueprint Based Entirely On The Words You Use and The Thoughts You Think (Your mind’s job isn’t to make you happy…)
  • Rule 5 - Your Mind Avoids The Unfamiliar and Seeks The Familiar (You can hack your mind by making the unfamiliar familiar…)
  • Rule 6 - You Get More Of What You Focus On (Instantly get more positive energy in your life…)

You will change your life by learning how to effectively apply these principles, overcome limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and improve self esteem.

Are you ready to change your life by mastering the 6 “Rules of the Mind”?

I have completed many different modalities to change the energy/ feelings from my crazy abusive life. They all helped to clear things, nothing has done what your recordings have done for me. I was abducted when I was 3 and I could not clear things around that. Since listening to your recordings, I cannot even remember it!! Thank you so much Marisa for making this package available at such an amazing price.


‘I have come to finally understand how I Am Enough shows up in my life, and when it doesn't. I've got the words on a sticky note on my monitor and I've become so much more confident in my own enoughness that I even speak differently. Thank you Marisa Peer for opening the door to greater understanding, healing and raising of the collective energies. As a mental health nurse I always found the medical model limited and restrictive. When I found Marisa and I Am Enough it made total sense. I have been using some of her methods with young people aged 13-19 with great results.’


‘This is a lesson I never want to forget. While I still struggle with the bad habits of my subconscious thoughts, these three words give me perspective. These three words have also impacted the daughter of a friend of mine. When she found out why I had this on my wrist (and bathroom mirror), she took this message to her class at school. Her teacher now has this written on the board for all of the class to see each day.’


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